The Zupo SEO 

Signature Solution

The Zupo SEO Signature Solution is an in-depth seven-step process that we use with all the clients and businesses we interact with. This strategy was developed organically after years of consulting with clients and learning what works best. Our priority is to make sure that we don't simply offer a boilerplate service because we know that every company has different goals and objectives. Most importantly, we strive to provide top-notch SEO to businesses that actually need it, as there are different occasions where SEO may not fit in with a business's overall marketing strategy. 

Every client we work with goes through all seven steps of our signature process, ensuring that they receive a proper SEO plan that aligns with their business's goals. Below, we'll walk through each of the seven steps in depth. 

Zupo SEO Signature Solution

1. Discovery And Search Alignment

This is the first phase in Zupo's Signature Solution, where we take a look at how you currently rank online and where your business exists in the SEO landscape. We spend time taking a look at what your targets may be, how we can help you reach them and what opportunities are available to you, while weighing the competition of that particular SEO market. In this phase, it's all about understanding if and where SEO fits within your business's bottom line. 

2. SEO Asset Valuation

Once we are able to locate the most viable opportunities for your business, we evaluate your current SEO strategies and body of work to get an overall picture of what resources are available. We take a look at your current content library, and where your site is currently getting its links and referring domains. We also look at some of the more intangible assets of your business. Things that can impact your SEO strategy include:

  • Your brand's strength and current exposure level
  • What connections you have in your community or within your industry
  • What sorts of marketing resources already exist within your company
  • What other resources are available for scaling your marketing efforts

When we are able to analyze your current content library and other available assets, we can better set the course for your business's new SEO strategy. This allows us to take advantage of your company's inherent strengths and the things that set you apart from your competition.

3. Engage

The previous two steps are completed before Zupo ever initiates a formal engagement with new clients. We want to be sure that SEO is a strategic fit for your business. It's important to first learn about the opportunities that exist and if they make sense for your business. Once we know that, we work to create a customized SEO plan. This plan provides different options, depending on a client's budget, available resources, how urgently they need results, and the ultimate scope of their SEO goals. Once the plan is set and everyone is briefed on the strategy, engagement begins.

4. Keyword Targets

Once we start a formal engagement with a client, the next step we take is to set very specific keyword goals for our SEO strategy. Working together with the client, we review which keywords align best with the company. From there, we filter through each opportunity in order to find the best. Some things we take into consideration when choosing the best option include:

  • The intent behind searches
  • How many times, on average, the keywords are searched every month
  • How these keywords align with your business goals
  • Your business expertise

5. SEO Rollout and Execution 

Once we've finished defining what keywords we will focus on and which SEO assets you already have, we get moving on your strategy right away. We don't spend months coming up with a plan, because we know how important it is for you to get results as soon as possible. So our technique is to roll out campaigns that align with our initial findings about your business, creating a working SEO strategy that will evolve and mature along the way as results start to come in. It's important that we collaborate with the client along every step of the way, informing them about every SEO front, including offsite, onsite and technical. 

6. Competitive Analysis and Monitoring 

As we start to roll out your SEO campaign, it's important for us to get to know your competition and what sets you apart from them. In the SEO world, competition can often be different from the traditional competitors that your business deals with on a day-to-day basis. So as we make more progress on reaching your SEO goals, new competitors arise and are discovered. As we identify these competitors, we analyze their body of work and research what strategies they use, which will better inform our own SEO strategies. 

7. Validate, Amplify and Expand

As we continue to execute your plan and understand what kind of competition you're facing, we will evaluate how the SEO strategy is working. We work to keep it constantly effective, which means it grows and gets adjusted as it does so. When a campaign shows promising results, we double down. Any obstacles that slow down the business and keep us helping you achieve your goals will be eliminated, which means sometimes we abandon or change different elements of the campaign as we learn how effective they are. 

The Zupo SEO Signature Solution is our way of ensuring that we provide offerings and services that make sense for your business. We aren't here to sell a service that you don't need. We're here to establish relationships that are helpful and profitable that put our clients on exciting paths towards their business goals. 

If you're ready to take your business's marketing strategy to the next level, improving your SEO can help, but it can be tough to know where to start. SEO doesn't have to be difficult or complicated, and Zupo is here to help. If the Zupo SEO Signature Solution sounds right for your business, click the button below to get started. 

Are You Ready To Finally Figure Out

Search Engine Optimization!
