How to expand your keyword strategy when you get a win



Hi, everybody, and welcome to another edition of Zupo's SEO Talk & Tea. 

Today's conversation is how to expand your keyword strategy when you've already started getting some wins. This is important because what I mean by this is lots of companies, when they go into SEO, they can start actually ranking for the keywords they want. If that happens, what do you do next? I think that is a natural question. I'm already starting to rank for the keywords I have, what do I do next? We're going to go ahead and have that conversation today, but first I want to introduce the tea, because this is Zupo SEO Talk & Tea. Today we have a tea that was gifted to me I think two or three years ago. It's been a long time. It's been just in my cupboard. It's a chamomile and citrus tea, and it comes in these little teabags. I'm going to do something a little different. I usually only use loose leaf tea for these videos, but I had it in the cupboard and I thought, "Hey, I haven't tried these yet. I might as well go ahead and try it."

I'm going to go ahead and see how this tastes, but as we get brewing, let's get talking. Let's say you have experienced your first win, you had chosen keywords, you focused on SEO, and now you're ranking for keywords that you had wanted to. That's great. What's next? Generally what I do with all my clients, when we get our wins for SEO, we start expanding beyond there. SEO is not something that you should be stationary. You should always look to be expanding into related keyword groups. What I mean by that is when you are ranking for keywords, oftentimes there are easy wins that you can transfer into. There's many ways you can go about this.

The first thing I want to set straight, just so that we're all on the same page, is after you get a win in terms of ranking for your keywords you have chosen, the thing to not do is stop SEO, because the one thing I always like to remind people is SEO is not a stagnant game. Your competition will not be happy you have outranked them. Therefore, you need to continue doing SEO so that you will be able to maintain your rankings, but second, the best way to maintain your rankings is to have a good offense. What I mean by having a good offense is you want to go ahead and then look for new opportunities, because if you look for new opportunities, you will then have to do more SEO, more link building, more content building, and that will only help your current rankings for the keywords you're already ranking for. You just want your SEO to be an ever-growing machine or an organism that you are able to constantly evolve and grow.

Saying that, you want to expand your keyword strategy to similar markets, but second, how do you do that? What I would recommend is there's two ways I generally do it. One is, first, I just talk to the business or I work with the business, what are other things that you could rank for that we're not ranking for? That one is the obvious one. The second way to also do it is when you're doing SEO, your website will start ranking for keywords that you were unaware of. A good example is I had a client who, they're a video production company, and before we knew it, we weren't even really trying to do anything, we noticed that they were starting to rank well for app commercial type of keywords. We went in, we took a look at it, and started exploring, are there other keywords in this keyword grouping that we can focus on because we're already ranking for it?

If you get to a point where you have wins for your keyword strategy and you're starting to rank, you want to take it two ways. One, think about your other business operations, and then, can you also go for SEO strategies and do keyword research on those business operations and then choose those? That's the most common way, or second, you might find that your site is ranking for some keywords that you were unaware of, but they make sense, and then you can double down on those.

The most important thing to take away from this is do not stop your SEO. When it comes to winning on some keywords and you start ranking for them, ensure that you keep growing. Look for new keyword opportunities. They can be more niche, they can be completely different, but a different service you sell, or they can be for keywords you rank for but you want to double down. That's what I would encourage you to do. Don't stay stagnant. Don't stop. You really need to keep growing because the best way to ensure a good defense is a good offense. A good offense means you keep expanding and you keep growing, because there are infinite amounts of searches and your site needs to continue to grow or get as much business and leads as possible by ranking for as many keyword results as possible.

This video is more about concept and strategy. What I want you guys to take away is don't stay stagnant, don't stop, ensure that you keep going with your SEO strategy. Even if you already rank for keywords that you originally chose, keep going farther and farther. Where really SEO gets profitable is when you can start iterating and gaining more keywords that you can rank for beyond the original set. As you keep growing, you'll find more and more business and you'll find more and more opportunities.

Hopefully you guys found that valuable. I think it's a strategy that I would like to see more companies do. SEO is not a onetime thing. You want it to be an ever-growing machine in your company. If you found that video valuable, please like and subscribe. I'm going to go ahead and try this. You guys can do a live taste test with me now, and we'll see how this tastes. Really citrusy, but it's a citrusy in a peppery kind of way. I'm not sure. What is it again? Chamomile citrus. I don't know. It tastes a little like citrus peppery. Interesting.

Well, I won't keep you guys for too long. Thank you again for watching the video and I hope to see you guys again soon. Thanks, everybody.

About the Author

Jason is founder and CEO of Zupo, which is an Orange County based SEO consulting agency helping construct powerful long term SEO strategies for our clients. Jason also enjoys multiple cups of tea a day, hiding away on weekends catching up on reading and rewatching The Simpsons for the 20th time.

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