B2B SEO Agency

Zupo is a B2B SEO Agency with a wide range of clients from small tech startups all the way to enterprise cybersecurity companies. Over the years we've helped many companies establish 1st page rankings leading to reliable organic traffic and company growth.

B2B SEO Services & Capabilities

We are a full service SEO agency, meaning that we will help you with every aspect of constructing and maintaining a successful SEO campaign.


We'll work with you on making sure SEO tags are properly set, content is optimized and restructuring the site to best optimize for search engine optimization success.


A big part of linkbuilding is building thought leadership. We'll work with you on building a strategy to help the company become a contributor and thought leader in the industry.


Leverage advanced tools and techniques to gather and analyze data about your website’s performance and competitors. Use this data to enhance your website's SEO with meta tags, content, or site structure adjustments.


The right keywords define the ultimate success of a B2B SEO strategy. Zupo will work with you to define the best keyword targets and help monitor them and your site's rankings.


As sites continue to grow and mature, new fixes and errors can crop up. We'll work with you on ensuring that the site's technical aspects are optimized for crawl-ability and rank-ability.


Ensuring that a site continues to grow means that more content should always be built. Zupo will work with clients to recommend & manage what type of content should be developed.


Zupo B2B SEO
Signature Solution

Zupo’s approach to B2B SEO focuses on understanding and month on month growth. Online marketing is often inundated with get rich quick articles and technical jargon that flies over the head of most people.

Our success over the years is owed to our signature solution. The Zupo SEO Signature Solution is an in-depth seven-step process that we use with all the clients and businesses we interact with. This strategy was developed organically after years of consulting with clients and learning what works best. Our priority is to make sure that we don't simply offer a boilerplate service because we know that every company has different goals and objectives. Most importantly, we strive to provide top-notch SEO to businesses that actually need it, as there are different occasions where SEO may not fit in with a business's overall marketing strategy.

Every client we work with goes through all seven steps of our signature process, ensuring that they receive a proper SEO plan that aligns with their business's goals. Below, we'll walk through each of the seven steps in depth.

SEO is All We Do So You Know We're Good At

Zupo is a B2B SEO Agency that focuses exclusively on SEO. That way you know that this isn't just some add on service that we are providing.

SEO is an ever changing complex field of marketing that has many levers and factors that influence rankings. Our team is focused on mastering and improving every day to better understand how to improve rankings.

When you work with Zupo, you are working with a team that does SEO every single day. That means you get all the benefits and learnings from years of daily SEO work.

SEO Awards



Search Engine Optimization



Online/Interactive Media



Online/Interactive Media

Thought Leadership

Our SEO expertise has been featured in a variety of industry publications from large household publications like Forbes and Success Magazine to niche marketing organizations like Single Grain and PandaDoc.

Why Our Clients Choose Us

Zupo's understanding of SEO is amazing. They really understand what they are doing and help develop strategies revolving around our unique business.

CEO, Savostore

Since the partnership began, the rankings are significantly higher on Google. Zupo's modern tactics and smooth workflow has fostered a positive partnership.

Owner, TAB Socal

I find their ability to start a foundation, maintain that foundation, then scale that foundation extremely impressive. Their holistic approach to the SEO space is what sets Zupo apart.

President, Catalytic

Very agile company. Not only do they move quickly, but they're very adaptable for any changes. We've really appreciated the constant updates and presentations to track our progress.

Director of Business Ops, 10-8 Systems

They have really helped us truly understand SEO and now our marketing execution is closely tied with a strong understanding of SEO. Rankings are improving, we are getting more leads, exposure is great and everything is trending up.

CEO, Awkward Essentials

Responsive and effective, their team offers weekly goals and detailed reports on a regular basis. They are overachievers for sure, they always go above and beyond to make sure our goals are achieved.

Torrey Tayenaka
CEO, Sparkhouse

The Complete Guide to B2B SEO


Frequently Asked Questions

What is B2B SEO?

B2B SEO is the implementation of specific approaches and techniques to increase the online reputation of organizations that provide products and services to other businesses. This niche form of SEO differs from consumer-targeted SEO by focusing efforts on connecting with the decision-makers and key influencers within an organization. This includes procurement managers, business owners, and high-ranking executives.

Because of these individuals' critical role in business transactions, it's important to refine an online presence to effectively reach and influence this specialized audience.

How Can SEO Help My B2B Marketing Strategy?

SEO can be utilized as an effective tool to amplify B2B marketing approaches, making it less difficult to gain organic traffic from potential clients actively searching for solutions a business offers.

By optimizing your website with specific content and keywords, you're not only able to climb higher on search engine results pages but also improve your brand's industry authority. Focusing on keywords and content tailored to your target demographic's search intent and interests helps bring better quality leads.

What Does a B2B SEO Agency Do?

Specializing in a particular area of SEO, B2B SEO agencies assist businesses in effectively marketing to other companies. They offer a comprehensive suite of services from keyword research, on-page optimization, content development, and link building, to highly technical SEO audits, all designed to improve search engine positioning.

The niche and highly competitive B2B space often requires the expertise of these agencies, who can provide specialized tools and methodologies for maintaining a competitive edge. Their experience and knowledge of SEO trends and algorithm changes over the years help to ensure that businesses can reach potential clients more effectively while still being able to adapt their approach over time.

How Do I Know If I Need a B2B SEO Agency?

Businesses usually choose to get in touch with the B2B SEO agency based on a comparison between how the business is currently performing and what it should be. If achieving top rankings for business-related keywords is difficult, or if your organic traffic and lead generation fall short of expectations, this usually indicates a need for specialized SEO support.

Although not always the case for every business, building and executing an effective SEO plan often exceeds the capacity of many organizations, especially for B2B businesses in niche markets targeting very specific clientele.

How Can Zupo Help My Business?

Zupo has a long history of delivering results for a diverse clientele, from brand-new startups to established large enterprises. Our SEO specialists are well-versed in the intricacies of the B2B sector, equipping us to customize our approaches to meet your unique challenges.

We are dedicated to boosting your business's search engine visibility while supporting your lead generation efforts. For a better look into how our services can contribute to your business's growth, we invite you to reach out for a consultation today.

How is Zupo Different From Other B2B SEO Services?

While many SEO providers promise rapid improvements in brand visibility, at Zupo, we understand that effective SEO strategies require patience and dedication. Our approach is to dive deep into understanding your business, its market challenges, and your specific audience. Only then do we create a custom strategy that truly aligns with your business objectives.

Our commitment extends well beyond the initial strategy development. We continuously analyze your industry and competition, adjusting our tactics to ensure your business stands out and achieves sustainable growth.

How does Zupo Approach SEO?

At Zupo, we differentiate ourselves from other digital marketing agencies by viewing SEO not as an add-on but as the foundation of our services. Recognizing the power of industry authority, we focus on creating thought leadership content that serves dual purposes - improving your search engine rankings and establishing your brand's credibility to a larger audience.

Our team builds content that's rich with targeted keywords but still deeply informative. We then leverage our extensive network of industry influencers to extend your content's reach, significantly increasing your digital footprint and drawing more organic traffic to your website.

Is Zupo the Right Choice For My Business?

Our confidence in our SEO capabilities at Zupo is strong, but the feedback and results from our clients speak volumes. For a real-world perspective on our services, we suggest browsing through the case studies and client testimonials on our website. There, you'll find concrete examples of how we've helped businesses of all sizes achieve their SEO goals.

Are you ready to finally figure out

Search Engine Optimization?
