Check variability of keywords when doing keyword research



Hi guys, and welcome to another edition of Zupo's SEO Talk & Tea. 

Today's conversation, checking variability when doing keyword research. This is an important conversation because variability can really influence your targets that you're going for. And if you don't check variability, you may be going for a keyword that you ultimately cannot write for. So, before we begin, I do want to introduce the tea real quickly that we have. Today we have a Darjeeling black tea, which is a black tea that was given from my housemate. A black tea, this is something I don't drink very often, but if you're a fan of Boba milk tea, black tea is what you're going to be drinking. So let's go ahead and get brewing and get chatting.

So checking variability of keywords when you're doing keyword research. The reason why this is important is because oftentimes when we do research, one of the mistakes, or oversights that we make is that we forget that when we do research, the research is based on the results at that second of the time that you were looking things up. And the reason why that's important is because Google search results are always changing. What you saw yesterday that was ranking in the top 10 may not be tomorrow, right? Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. And that's the whole point about variability. You want to make sure that when you're doing keyword research, you understand how often the keyword rankings are changing.

And so the reason why this is important, let me take a step back is Google is always updating and refining their search results. Therefore, they're always doing testing. They're always making adjustments saying like, "Okay, how can we give users better search results? Maybe this website's better. Maybe that website's better." So saying that they will mix and match sometimes, affecting our search results. Therefore, if you're going for a keyword and you look at it like, one day and you see the keyword results and you're like, "Okay, that's cool, we could probably rank from that. These are the top competitors, let's analyze them." But then what if the next day, those competitors change, but you've spent a month or two analyzing those competitors. Right?

So, what you have to do here is that you're now checking it every single day, which it is helpful in some sense, but you don't need to check it every day. There are great tools out there. And the one I personally use is Ahrefs and their keyword research tool. What they will do is they have a tool that analyzes for a keyword, how much the search results have been fluctuating in the last six months. And if you see high variability, that would then tell you maybe this keyword is not the best one for us to go for, because Google is not even sure what they want to rank on the first page.

So therefore, if they're not sure, how can we be sure to get there in a stable kind of way? Therefore, what I want to communicate is that when you're doing the variability and checking it, you want to just make sure that the keyword you're going for isn't a high variable. If it's pretty steady, you can have a little bit more confidence that, okay, we can do the keyword research. We can do the competitive research. We can analyze what it's going to take to get there. And we know that that's not really going to change, but if it's very variable, all the research you do one week can be next, the next week because Google is going to change the results because they're still trying to figure things out. So again, I would say this is getting to the more technical side of keyword research, and I have only been able to access these kind of historical data using Ahrefs, which is a paid tool.

So unfortunately I'm unaware of any tool that you can use that is free. But if you know of one, please comment for the viewers and we can share that, but again, check the variability. So, I do want to say before we've kind of finished the video. You need to keep in mind everything else then. You're looking at search volume, keyword difficulty, relevance to your business, intent. And then now variability. So you can tell that keyword research can get even more complicated and more complex, so it's important to slow down. And I've said this in other videos, slow down, do your research, do your due diligence, because it can be frustrating when you're doing keyword research and it's taking a little bit longer than you want, so you just want to get started on SEO.

But I want to tell you, and I've done this mistake myself, is picking a keyword only four to five months later to figure out it wasn't a good fit, because maybe variability, intent, competition. That's just what you don't want to hit. So do your due diligence in the beginning to save you some headaches later on. All right, guys hopefully that was helpful. If you guys found the video valuable, please like, and subscribe, I'm going to pour my tea out and I hope to see you guys again soon.

Thanks everybody. Ooh. Yeah, black tea.

About the Author

Jason is founder and CEO of Zupo, which is an Orange County based SEO consulting agency helping construct powerful long term SEO strategies for our clients. Jason also enjoys multiple cups of tea a day, hiding away on weekends catching up on reading and rewatching The Simpsons for the 20th time.

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