Discovering keywords that your site may be Ranking for



Hi guys, and welcome to another edition of Zupo SEO Talk & Tea.

Today's conversation is discovering keywords that your site may be ranking for that you're unaware of, or in other words, discovering keywords that your site ranks for. Now this may sound a little obvious. Of course I know what keywords my site ranks for I'm doing SEO, but what I'm kind of specifically talking about today is sometimes when you're doing SEO or actually not sometimes, most of the time you're doing SEO, you are mainly considering or focused on a small subset of keywords, the ones that you've defined with your keyword research strategy and so on and so forth, but a lot of sites will grow organically. And what you often find is that your sites are ranking for keywords that you were unaware of, and these might be great opportunities to pursue.

So that's what I want to talk about today. But before we begin, I want to introduce the tea we have today. The tea we have today is a Pu'Er Tea, this is probably the tea I drink the absolute most. I drink this probably maybe once, probably every day, it varies. Every day on the weekdays. That's the best way to put it. I drink this a lot. Pu'Er is a fermented tea. It's a very dark tea. That it would be the closest thing to black coffee if you want something with a strong kick, but let's go ahead and get talking and get brewing. So talking about discovering keywords your site ranks for. Like I said, in the beginning, when you're doing SEO, you often find that your site starts to rank new keywords that you didn't even try to rank for.

And this is commonly the case, you're writing a lot of the content, you're doing a lot of SEO. You're doing a lot of link building. Naturally, your site will start to rank for things that you're unaware of, but the most important thing is you need to discover these things. There are different tools out there, including [inaudible 00:01:43]. That will help monitor these things for you. They will monitor what keywords you're ranking for, and then you can also then kind of peruse them to see if there's any of interests. Now, generally, what I find is on we're looking at keywords at a site is ranking for 90% of the time, the keywords on there that we're trying to rank for have no business relevance to us in the sense that even though we're happy with a keyword, the keyword does not move us along the lines in terms of business bottom line, revenue, sales, it just doesn't really help that.

And if that's the case, I pretty much just ignore them, but there are two places that sometimes that 10% where I do look into it. One, you'll sometimes find that they are keywords that actually do help move the bottom line and you kind of like hit yourself on the head. Like, "Wow, we never even thought of that keyword, but we're ranking for it anyways. Let's double down on it." And in those cases, those are great because sometimes it's best to kind of go with the flow of how your site is growing organically. And if you find keywords that you're already starting to rank for, and second, they fit your bottom line, go ahead, double down. You're already started ranking for it a little bit, you should just put more energy into focusing on that, because Google has already recognized your site as somewhat playable in that space. Double down on that. Second, another angle to think about, and this is kind of where you're kind of leveraging everything you can from the assets you have.

If sometimes you're ranked for a keyword that doesn't necessarily help your business bottom line, nor does it really help your sales, but it is a popular search query and a lot of people are going there. If that's the case, you can use it for link building purposes. If you're ranked number one first page on Google for a term or a blog post that you don't necessarily care about ranking for, but you have it anyways, double down on that in the sense that use it as a link building opportunity. Maybe beef it up a little bit ads images, and then when you go out there, you could tell people, "Hey, we have a blog post ranked on the first page is a really ultimate guide. If you guys ever want to reference it, feel free to do so."

In that sense, you can then acquire some assets in the sense that that blog posts or those keywords that you're ranking for that don't help your bottom line can still help you in some way in terms of the link building or SEO. Now I will say this does require a lot of creativity. And second, it does also not always work in the sense. Sometimes you'll find some of the keywords you rank for on the first page really just don't make any sense. And that's okay, but what I would say is that you don't try to force it, but always... I generally do like a quarterly review of the sites I work with to see what keywords are starting to rank for, and then determine, hey, what are the ones that we could double down on? And then second, what are the ones that they don't really make much sense, but we could probably find some value out of it in other marketing areas.

And I think that would help you a lot because when you're doing marketing, I think sometimes we think of marketing as sitting in a conference room with a whiteboard or getting our creativity out there, but what I would say is sometimes the best marketing is reading the market and reading the organic growth. And if Google is raking you for keywords, even for keywords that you were not really focused on, it does give you a great opportunity to just grow there anyway. Who said we have to brainstorm and think about new keyword opportunities, you can always leverage the ones that you weren't considering, but you're already growing for. And that's a really great organic way of growing your work site in SEO. So hopefully that was valuable guys. I'm going to go ahead and pour my tea out. If you like what you saw, please like, and subscribe. And I'm going to enjoy my tea now. I hope to see you guys again soon.

Thanks everybody.

About the Author

Jason is founder and CEO of Zupo, which is an Orange County based SEO consulting agency helping construct powerful long term SEO strategies for our clients. Jason also enjoys multiple cups of tea a day, hiding away on weekends catching up on reading and rewatching The Simpsons for the 20th time.

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