Hi guys. And welcome to another edition of the Zupo SEO Talk & Tea.
Today's conversations is, does it matter what type of headers and headings you use on your site? I think it's a question that has been answered before by Google but a lot of people, I think, don't know if headers do have a consideration, because I think there's a lot of information out there that may be outdated, that people are believing that is may not be the case a day. So I'm going to go ahead and jump into that. But first real quick, I do want to introduce the team we have today. We have a Darjeeling black tea, which is from Black and Bold. This is again, a tea that my housemate bought and she actually is graciously sharing it with me and you guys for the video. So again, I appreciate the tea. It is a really good black tea. If you've ever had a milk tea, it usually has a black tea base. So if you ever want to make a strong milk tea, I guess you can use that tea leaf.
But let's go ahead and get brewing. I like to have some black tea and get talking. So again, when it comes to header tags, there are different types of headers when it comes to designing your website. And you've probably seen them before, if you've ever had to mess with the background of a website, but essentially, websites have H1, H2, H3, H4, and I believe there's even an H5 tag. And so what they are is essentially different priority levels of headings. And the reason why they've been kind of created is so that as a user, and also as the consumer and the person who's designing the site, the heading one, two, three, four, usually have different sizes and different categorization. Where heading ones look the biggest, heading two looks the second biggest, and so on and so forth so that you as a reader, but also you as a web designer know the priority of the paragraphs in that sense or the groupings of content.
So saying that people used to believe that H1 tags were the best for SEO because back when SEO was not as sophisticated, Google would see, okay, if you put something in H1, that must be the most important. The problem is the way design and web design has evolved is that H1, H2, H3 tags their relative importance for web design has dropped. You can edit font really well now, you can play with the different styles, you can use your font sizes for different headings. So therefore, a lot of people don't even use H1 title tags. I mean, sorry, H1 tags on their site, they might use H2. And the reason is because the way sometimes sites are coded or the way the site is assigned, they can use H tags differently. And so we don't need to jump in on the technical reason why, but understand the H1 to H4 tag to 5 tags, they're not really used the same way they were 10, 15 years ago. They're now almost pretty versatile and pretty uniform.
So saying that Google has explicitly said in some of their webmaster conferences, that their algorithms understand the difference between H1 and H2 and H3 and in the different header tags, but they don't weight... they do not weigh if it's an H1 tag or an H2 tag anymore. Their robots and crawlers can understand that this is a heading, even if it's H4 tag, it's still a heading, because they can read by the discrepancy of the font and also how it looks on the page. So they have said you shouldn't really worry too much about if your headers are H1 tags, they can understand now, if it's a heading.
So saying all of that, it is still important for you to make sure the keywords are in headings between your paragraphs and content and in the titles, but do not pick a fight or spend too much time worrying about if it's an H1 tag or H2 tag. Google can understand the difference between them and so you don't necessarily need to be worrying about too much as long as the header is pretty easily seen on the page and it is coded as at least some type of header tag, would be best. And even if it's not code as a header tag, even if it's code has normal paragraph font, as long as you format it in a way that looks very distinctly different from the rest, Google has said they should be able to pick it up. So again, if you can, yes. Still use H header tags, but I wouldn't say you should obsess about it too much.
But again, I want to keep that short. It's a pretty simple answer. Again, in summary, just in a short, Google has said that the header text type does not matter so much anymore. It used to a long time ago, but nowadays their bots are more sophisticated. They understand the dynamic of the web design landscape. They understand that H1 tags are not always usable in the sense where every single site, so they can read if something's a heading and they can deem it. They don't really weigh H1, H2, H3 anymore. So hopefully that will help you when you're doing onsite SEO and you're trying to optimize your page. That's just something that you don't have to obsess about anymore. I find that people will do, and they spend a little bit too much time obsessing about it.
But I'm going to go ahead and pour this tea out. If you guys found the video valuable, I would really appreciate if you guys like and subscribe. I hope to see you guys again soon. Awesome. Thanks guys. Ooh, that is bitter.