In Local SEO, it’s worth simulating searches from that locality



Hi, guys, and welcome to another edition of "Zupo SEO Talk & Tea". 

Today's conversation is in local SEO. It is worth searching for your keywords in the locality you're trying to rank for. It sounds like a really long sentence and it might be a little complex, but actually it's pretty simple and basic. But, I really want to go over this topic today because it is so important when it comes to local SEO.

But, before we begin, I want introduce the tea we have today, because this is "Zupo SEO Talk & Tea". Today we have a green tea that my father got in China and he brought back home. And it is a green tea that has actually become one of my more favorites. It has a really, really rich green tea flavoring, and I've just really come to enjoy it. I normally like to enjoy it on the weekends, but I wanted to feel a little bit chill, so I've brought it out today to chill with you guys. But, let's get brewing and get talking.

So, when it comes to local SEO, it is worth doing the search from the locality you are trying to rank for. That is a very technical way of saying if you're trying to rank for a city, try doing the Google search from the city that you're trying to rank for. And what I mean by that is, unfortunately... Not unfortunately. I shouldn't say it like that. Google is very hyper-localized in the sense that where you are searching from heavily dictates the way that you're seeing Google search results, and especially when it comes to local SEO. Therefore, when you're doing searches from your computer, it will be biased towards the area you are coming from.

So, I think the best way for me to explain this is to give you an example. Just the other day, I was talking with my staff and we were researching localities in Arizona. And we were trying to figure out, for our client, if we could expand their SEO into a certain locality or city in Arizona. And, one of the cities that was on the list was Glendale, and my staff came back to me and said, "Hey, I don't think Glendale is going to be a good fit. All our Google searches when we're doing testing goes to Glendale, California, which is in LA." So, they said, "I don't think this is going to work". And I told them, I said, "Well, you're based on the South O.C., so you're probably getting Glendale, California, because you are in O.C. You need to simulate searches from Arizona".

And my staff member was like, "Oh, I don't even know why I didn't think of that". He was just moving so quickly. So, again, it's a good reminder that... And this is what he did. I had him go to Arizona, not physically, there're tools out there with Google ad preview, and I simulate that you're in Arizona and then do the same search. And he was like, "Oh, yep, you're right". When I did it in Arizona it went to Glendale, Arizona. Therefore, it's important to make sure you're doing the searches from the areas that you're trying to rank for because you can actually have really biased results if you only do it from your local area. So, again, it is very important then to do the searches and simulate from where you're trying to be because the example I just gave, there are many cities that have the same name across the country and different states.

You want to make sure that everything's aligned and that the search results will often be very different from where you're searching from. So, you can use the tools like Google ad preview to simulate this stuff. And it's very important because local SEO is fine when you're doing it from the area that you're sitting from. But, if you're doing the searches from a different city or state, it can really mess things up. So, that's why it's really important to be able to do this keyword research from the areas that you are trying to rank for using those tools. In addition, as I'm saying this, I just thought of this as well, it's important to do your keyword rankings from there as well. You don't want to be doing keyword recognition from your area. You're doing it from the area you're trying to rank for because that's the whole point of your SEO.

So, it's pretty simple. It's just a reminder for your keyword research, make sure you're simulating from the areas you are going to be ranking in, and that will really help plot out a proper strategy. Hopefully that will help you guys in your local SEO game. I'm going to go ahead and pour out my tea now. If you found the video valuable, or you liked it, please like and subscribe. I'm going to go ahead and enjoy my tea now, and I hope to see you guys again soon.

Thanks, everybody.

About the Author

Jason is founder and CEO of Zupo, which is an Orange County based SEO consulting agency helping construct powerful long term SEO strategies for our clients. Jason also enjoys multiple cups of tea a day, hiding away on weekends catching up on reading and rewatching The Simpsons for the 20th time.

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