Two Sites Means Two Different SEO Campaigns



Hi guys, and welcome to another edition of Zupo SEO Talk & Tea. 

Today's conversations, Two Different Sites Means Two Different SEO Campaigns. I know that sounds so obvious, but I'm going to detail why this is an important conversation. There's a lot of companies who think about creating a new offshoot of a website or a new sub domain, and I don't think they realize the implications.

But before we begin, we have a new entrant today. This is a new tea that we haven't had on the shows. This is a Gao Shan Oolong tea. So this is I guess, the direct translation of it, the Tall Mountain Oolong. And so this is one that I haven't had really on the show. And I'll be honest, the first couple of times I've had this tea, I haven't enjoyed it, but I want to give it another shot. This tea is a pretty popular tea, so I can't see why we just did not enjoy it so much. So I'm giving it another shot today. Well, let's go ahead and get brewing and get chatting.

So the reason why I'm having this conversation is I want to just have a chat about the context. Oftentimes when I'm working with the site, sometimes the businesses I work with or the clients I work with, they can be quite complex. They could work with many different softwares services or different business services and often the site can become large. And I have worked with clients where they're concerned that the size of their site is a little bit too complex in that a user who came to their site would be a little bit too confused. So what they have often thought about is let's create four different websites or two different websites, one for each business sector of our site. Now, functionally, I guess that would create a better user experience because someone who will land on the site would be directly interacting with the services that they care the most about.

But the other thing that I want to mention is on an SEO level, that has a lot of implications that we need to slow down there. Anytime you are branching out your site to four different sites, that means four different SEO campaigns and this where I knew it sounded obvious in the beginning, but we need to understand the implications. We talk a lot about SEO on this channel. We talk a lot about domain rating, the link building, content, driving content and links to your website, trying to build exposure and your domain rating and so on and so forth. If you split your site up into four different websites, that means you have to now start measuring four different content libraries, four different domain ratings, four different link portfolios. Not to say that's impossible. That is definitely an option.

But what you don't want to do is if you're a company and you're starting an SEO, or you're trying to get started, and you're trying to compete against big competitors, splitting your SEO assets up into four different properties might actually hurt your chances because now you've weakened themselves out. There is always a way, I believe, even if your business is complex, to have everything on one domain and then just have the design and user interface still conducive to users finding where they need to be, but also leveraging having one domain and having all the SEO assets and value on one site. I would highly encourage you. If you're thinking about splitting up your sites to different sub domains or different sites, really think about it because every link that goes to a different site cannot go to your site at that one moment. And so suddenly you're managing four different things and managing one site for SEO purposes is already an ordeal. Managing four is quadrupling it by four.

And therefore when you're reaching out for link building purposes, you have four different websites and so people were going to say, "You have four, which one do I pick?" Because they're not going to just randomly link to four all at once. So there's a lot of implications here. So I would really encourage you, before you start branching out too much, really understand when it comes to SEO. It can really hurt and dilute what you're working on and it might actually defeat the purpose. You're trying to create a better user experience, but because you split your site to four, it may not rank anymore so no one's going to even be there anymore.

So this strategy now I will say is fine for like PPC or paid advertising because you're driving traffic through your dollars. But when it comes to SEO and trying to rank, it can be quite non-conducive. I would say it can be quite a problem to be doing that. So I'd encourage you, if you're thinking about branching out on the site, I really encourage against it. I think there are definitely ways you can be a little bit more creative and keep it all in one domain.

But I'm going to leave it at that guys. I'm going to go ahead and pull out this tea and we're going give it another shot. Now it's a little unfair, I will say. It is really hot today and this tea is brewed really hot, so it might just be too hot to enjoy, but let's do a live taste test. This is again a Tall Mountain Oolong tea. It smells good. Yeah, it smells good. It's better this time. It's still a little bit bitter, too bitter. I'm not that expert yet so I think I'm going to need to sit on it a little bit more, but I will say, this time wasn't so bad, but oftentimes with tea, you need to drink it for more than 30 minutes to really know if you'd like it or not. But, okay. I hope you guys enjoyed the video today. If you did, please like and subscribe and I hope to see you guys again soon.

Thanks everybody.

About the Author

Jason is founder and CEO of Zupo, which is an Orange County based SEO consulting agency helping construct powerful long term SEO strategies for our clients. Jason also enjoys multiple cups of tea a day, hiding away on weekends catching up on reading and rewatching The Simpsons for the 20th time.

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