Ringing in the new year, Zupo is excited to share that our founder, Jason Khoo, has joined the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC). The Young Entrepreneurs Council members are part of a trusted, invite-only community that elevates their business with concierge-level support.
YEC provides support not only for its council members, but also utilizes the pool of talent and expertise to help educate the online community about pressing business and entrepreneurial conversations. We have seen many of our peers and clients benefit immensely from YEC and we look forward to participating as well.
What we are most excited about is to be apart of a community that can share ideas. By exposing the company to other innovative thinkers we can continue to think on a larger scale ourselves and provide cutting edge tactics and campaigns for our clients!
Zupo is also looking forward to collaborating with YEC to provide business and SEO knowledge for businesses across the country. We will be actively contributing content and expertise in the realms of SEO, digital PR, content development, in addition, to general online marketing in order to continue to share and educate.