Hi guys, and welcome to another edition of Zupo SEO Talk & Tea,
today's conversation. Your SEO will grow as fast as your site grows. This is a really important conversation because I feel when it comes to SEO will often inhibits a lot of companies from growing their SEO presence is the growth rate of their oldest site. So before we begin that conversation, though, it's an important one and I can go on and on about it. I want to introduce the tea, before I forget today we have a Green Tea that was gifted to me from my dad. He decided a couple of years ago, actually a handful of years ago now, to go back to China, to reconnect with our ancestors, family and everything like that. We've been quite removed from that family for generations. So he wanted to go back to China with his father to go visit and they ended up buying some of this Green Tea and he gifted to me some of it too.
So thank you to my dad. And we're going to be brewing some Green Tea now and chatting about SEO. So the reason why I want to talk about SEO grow as fast as your site grows is because what often happens is I will work with companies where if they're new to SEO, they'll be excited. We'll be starting with something new and they'll pick one to three to five keyword groups they want to rank for. Now, once we've established those three to five, usually what's exciting is in the beginning, everyone's kind of all bought in, everyone wants to be a part of the process. So we're building new pages, we're adding new content. We're going out there doing digital PR, getting links and often what happens. And this is good thing, by no means is it bad.
We start raking for keywords and that's great. Usually we start writing on the first page, different keyword groups. We essentially start fitting our goals, but oftentimes what I find is a bottleneck is the future with once we have a site or a company it's starting to rank for different keyword groups on the first page, and even on the top spots, what we can often find is that once we finish those off, we started going for new keyword groups. And that's where this lesson really takes shape. What can often happen with companies is after they get their first SEO wins and we've now worked for three to four to five different keyword groups, they choose three to five more that they're trying to go for. They want to grow and grow. But when they choose the next three to five, what can often happen is the content dies down a little bit.
And the site growth dies down because the reasons may be many, but maybe the excitement isn't there. There's other concerns that have popped up, they've branched out to new marketing. And so that new marketing also has their own requirements, whatever the case may be, what you can not fall victim to is, because of the content and links you have built to rank for those three to five keyword groups. It does not automatically mean that same level of content and link building at that same level. You didn't add anything more, we'll help you write for three to five additional keyword groups. To rank for three to five additional keyword groups, you need to add more content and more links to your site. Your site must grow to the pace of what you want your SEO to grow.
So if you've ranked for three keyword groups and now you're happy you went on the first page, but now you want to go for three more. That three more keyword groups needs its own library of content specific semantic SEO content, links driven to those sections of the site. Keywords add a headings for and those in new pages that address those keyword groups to try and rank for all that needs to be built, because everything you did for the first keyword groups, all that content pages, SEO tags link-building were for those three keyword groups. But now you're trying to branch out to three more. What can happen is that all your SEO is geared toward these three. It's not geared towards those additional three. So now you need to spread your SEO out more.
But the thing is you don't want to spread your SEO too thin. And here's the big mistake. If you try to go for three more keywords, let's say you go for three more keyword groups and you start changing SEO tags on current pages. Well now actually you're shifting your SEO from the three or ringing four to the three new ones. And that can be a problem, you're going to lose rankings. So that's the thing. This is where SEO gets a little bit more complicated in that you have the three-year already ranking fourth, you need to maintain that, you need to secure that, you need to ensure that you can fight off your competitors and stay on the first page. But if you're also trying to expand other keyword groups, you need to continue to do more work to get those additional three. It's like any basic military strategy 101.
If you have a home base and you want to go attack another base, you need to have your army and leave. Now, if you do that, you leave your home base unguarded. So what do you have to do? You need to split up your forces. Now you don't want to spread too thin because you don't want half your forces in your home base to be too little. And your attacking force for the second base be too thin either. So what do you need to do? You need to grow your army, right? So in that case, then you could send an army out with one in the home base. So I apologize with military tactics, if that's not really your boat in the sense of how you understand things. Growing up I read a lot of these military strategy books.
So that's how I visualize it, but I hope that kind of illustrates if you're trying to really expand the scope of your SEO, the site needs to grow too. That means content, link-building abilities and pages on the website. All that really needs to grow in order to meet the requirements of ranking for certain keyword groups, especially if you're adding more and more keyword groups to your scope. All right. So what to take away with this, if you're really successful SEO, and you're trying to grow more and more keyword groups, you need to continue to add more resources to your website, to go alongside the SEO. The more keyword groups are going for the more content and more links that will be needed to your site. Therefore, you need to make sure that you plan for that. Nothing's more frustrating than getting that first victory.
Hey, yeah, we're waiting for three to five keyword groups, and then now we have three to five more we're trying to rank for, but for some reason, we're just not moving as quickly. It's oftentimes because people get complacent, companies stop making new content, they stop getting new links and they just won't move at that same pace, right? So hopefully that will help you in understanding SEO, this is something I feel very strongly about. I deal with a lot of companies who they can leave these SEO tasks and resources onto the site after a while. And it can really get in the way of SEO efforts. So I'm encouraging you when you're doing SEO. You're trying to go for more and more growth. Always understand SEO can not grow just magically. It has to grow with your website's growth as well. So I'm going to go ahead and pour my tea out guys. Hopefully that was helpful and valuable if it is please like, and subscribe. And I hope to see you guys again soon.
Thanks everybody.