March 4


How to use Semantic SEO for your SEO Content

By Jason Khoo

March 4, 2021


Hi guys. And welcome to another edition of Zupo's SEO Talk & Tea.

Today's conversation is, how do you use semantic SEO for your SEO content? This is a really important conversation, because semantic SEO is now the central foundation for how you do content. Semantic SEO is the way that Google has been understanding content and websites for a while now. So a lot of content sites, if you're doing SEO, you really need to know your semantic SEO. So before we dive on, I want to introduce the tea today, we're having. We're having a jasmine green tea. Jasmine green tea is something that I like to drink when it's a little bit hotter, and you can see the sun. It's just because you brew it at a lighter temperature. And so it's kind of a nice soothing, but not super duper hot tea to drink on a hotter day. It's kind of unusual. The sun's really bright out, when it's been pretty cold the last months, but let's go ahead. I got that brewing.

Let's get chatting. So how do you use semantic SEO? If you want to even know what semantic SEO is, I've already filmed another video about that. Today's video we're going to talk about using semantic SEO. So semantic SEO has a very like complicated name, it kind of sounds a little bit more intimidating, but I will tell you the execution of semantic SEO isn't as difficult as the phrasing makes it out to be. So when it comes to semantic SEO, remember that semantic SEO is all about understanding entities and topics. So when you're understanding entities and topics, what Google really wants to know, is how flushed out your content is. Like, do you really address entire entity or topic with your content?

So they want to really know, like, do you answer all these questions? Do you really kind of go into detail about this entity or topic? That's really all it is. So on a very basic level, what you can do to get a semantic SEO started, is two tools that I would recommend to use. Number one is a tool called, Answer The Public, or I think it's ask, or answer the public. I always get the two mixed up, but I think it's Answer The Public. It is a free tool or freemium tool that when you plug in and go to their website and they have like a little search bar, when you put in a keyword or a phrase, what it'll do is it'll return every iteration of who, what, when, where, why, and all these other different variations of that keyword with these other words appended to it.

So why is your topic important? What is your topic? So, and that sounds pretty basic. The why's or what's, there's also different variations of prepositions and stuff. So it gives you the entire, almost like, lists a database worth of different questions and variations of that keyword that people are searching for, so that you can have a full understanding of, what are all the ways people in the world are Googling this keyword. And how does Google understand this terminology or keyword, based on all these other searches? Because if I slow down there, how Google understands everything, is just based on how people are searching for things. And so when they see a keyword, they also look at all the related searches as well. And when they're looking at the related searches, that's how they start understanding, "Okay, this search has the same keyword, that search has the same keyword."

And then that's how they start beginning to understand like, "Okay, this is how everything seems to fit together." And if your website has all those topics addressed, you will then start working better because of the semantic SEO concept and having that content to fill out your library. So that's Answer The Public. And so what I would do there, put it in a key word or phrase, get the database out, filter it down. There's going to be a lot of stuff that's not exactly the most relevant or the most stimulating kind of topics in there, but there will be a lot of good nuggets in there to start your content strategy. So, that's kind of where I always start first.

Second, what I also like to do is using the Google search results themselves. What you can do is when you Google a search term. So this is a very same keyword or phrase you'd use in Answer The Public, Google that. And in Google, there will be two main areas that you can use to find some more semantic SEO content strategies. One is, People Also Ask box. There's a table or box that has the four questions. And they're related to the keyword you use, we call that People Also Ask. If you open them, they will usually show an article that answers the question. And as you open each question more and more will appear on the bottom. So these are a great way to also find more content topics. I have heard the Answer The Public uses the same data as the People Also Ask boxes, but I have also found the People Also Ask boxes sometimes do return unique and different topics than what we found at Answer The Public. So you also use that.

In addition, there's also a area on the bottom called, I think it's called related searches. It's on the bottom, where at the bottom of the Google search result, the list of, I think it's eight to 10 different results that say, "People also looked for this." Right? And so these are also other search results that you can also optimize for, because Google is telling you, "Hey, in the People Also Ask button, people are also asking this, but also on the bottom, people are also searching for these things related to this term. This will also give you some, I would say like more ammunition, or more variability, more like of a spectrum of things to look for, because the people also searched for on the bottom tend to not always be so exactly the keyword, they're just similar entities or topics.

And that is another rabbit hole we can go down, we can use those terms, find those content, the content that is semantically relevant to that topic and kind of start building up your library. So when you're getting started with semantic SEO, a lot of people, I think over complicate it, they hear about Google's algorithms and they think they need to come up with some master grand, content strategy that matches the sophistication of Google's algorithm. And that's not really the case. Semantic SEO is really just down to understanding the entity's relations. And you can use a freemium tool, like Answer The Public, or we can also just use Google search results, which is always free. And you can use those two as a great starting point for your semantic SEO strategies. All right, guys, hopefully that was helpful. If you enjoyed the video, please like, and subscribe and I hope to see everybody again soon.

Thanks everybody.

Jason Khoo

About the author

Jason is founder and CEO of Zupo, which is an Orange County based SEO consulting agency helping construct powerful long term SEO strategies for our clients. Jason also enjoys multiple cups of tea a day, hiding away on weekends catching up on reading and rewatching The Simpsons for the 20th time.

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